Update ViCiDial

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Update ViCiDial

Postby martinch » Mon May 15, 2023 7:28 am

Good morning guys,

I wondering if anybody would benefit from an update button right there in the ViCi admin panel. Here's like a mockup of what I was thinking of;


Basically, you click the button and are taken to an update page and that page can start to update your ViCiDial system and will inform you of it's progress on the page itself. Seemed like a cool idea to me but let you know what you think.

The way I envision it working is as follows;

  • Firstly, the page will grab the latest SVN revision number and compare it with the version that you have locally.
  • Secondly, if the SVN revision numbers differ, then an update will be attempted.
  • You'll be warned that ViCiDial needs to be cleared of activity prior to running the update wizard.
  • The latest code will be checked out and copied into the vicidial ViCi directories.
  • The ViCiDial service will be updated.
  • The relevant db schema migrations will be applied.
  • You'll be informed of progress on the page as well as notes from the changelog (SVN log) to inform you of the updates being applied. Sometimes Matt and the team may publish multiple fixes at various different times and you may update your system once a month and the commit comments will be collated into a nice list and presented to you on the page after the update is applied. I may even show those updates prior to performing the update so you can decide there and then if you wish to update at that.

Happy to discuss with you guys if this would be useful. :) thank you all.
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Re: Update ViCiDial

Postby RBecker » Mon May 15, 2023 11:26 am

How would this work for a multi-server cluster? Would it ensure upgrades are applied in the proper order? How would it update webservers, which aren't listed in the servers table in the database and don't have any keepalive script running? Would it make sure all running processes are restarted to bring them up to the most recent version?
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Re: Update ViCiDial

Postby martinch » Mon May 15, 2023 12:10 pm

RBecker wrote:How would this work for a multi-server cluster? Would it ensure upgrades are applied in the proper order? How would it update webservers, which aren't listed in the servers table in the database and don't have any keepalive script running? Would it make sure all running processes are restarted to bring them up to the most recent version?

For all-in-ones installation, it will all be localhost based.

For multi-server cluster setups, I would prefer to use SSH over the keepalive script as the keepalive only runs on the telephony servers and we'd want the code on web and database nodes too. I would expect all servers that are part of the cluster to be in the servers table although there may be scope to do custom servers that are not attached to a cluster. The web host where the update will be initiated from will be treated as localhost or the web server.

On telephony nodes within a cluster, the vicidial service will be stopped while updates are applied and restarted after the updates have taken place.

I'd probably hash the trunk files and verify everything is copied as well as doing some self tests with core ViCi files to ensure the files are copied properly and the system works post update.
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Re: Update ViCiDial

Postby uzgidebas » Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:41 am

That would be nice feature tbh. But maybe wrong position. For beginners like I was months ago (and still for lot of it), without knowing what that button can do, will be the first thing to do. I tried on fresh install updating system, asterisk, then ssl and got an issue that I didn't have enough time to try to solve. So reinstalled and first issued ssl then updated asterisk.
What I propose, adding one more section in admin and there few options, like button for adding/changing domain, ssl, system update, asterisk update and whatever else we can update.
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Re: Update ViCiDial

Postby martinch » Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:40 pm

uzgidebas wrote:That would be nice feature tbh. But maybe wrong position. For beginners like I was months ago (and still for lot of it), without knowing what that button can do, will be the first thing to do. I tried on fresh install updating system, asterisk, then ssl and got an issue that I didn't have enough time to try to solve. So reinstalled and first issued ssl then updated asterisk.
What I propose, adding one more section in admin and there few options, like button for adding/changing domain, ssl, system update, asterisk update and whatever else we can update.

Thanks uzgidebas for the feedback. Yeah, I had an "About" page going through my mind some weeks ago which sounds very much a good place for this sort of thing. I'll definitely considering doing that. This is great thank you!
Project Lead @ mDial -> https://github.com/TheBlode/mDial
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