No ringing when manual dial

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No ringing when manual dial

Postby jbs0023 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:10 am


Ever since 4 days ago, we've been having an issue with Vicidial that when the agent uses manual dial, there is no ringing tone when a number is dialed. The call does go through because as soon as its answered you can hear. This poses a problem as the agent doesnt not know how to dispose an unanswerred call.

The thing is that it was working just fine up until 4 days ago! Nothing on my end has changed. I can also confirm it has nothing to do with my telco as i connected it to a local asterisk box and cant even hear the ringing when dialing internally.

If I dial directly from the sip phone thru vicidial, ie. not logging into the agent, it rings just fine.

I am using GoAutoDial ISO.
ViciDial Admin VERSION: 2.2.1-237 BUILD: 100510-2015
Asterisk Version:

My dialplan is:
exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@test-outbound,,o)
exten => _X.,3,Hangup

I even tried changing it to tToR and still having the same issues.

Please can someone assist.
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Postby rrb555 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:45 pm

Change your Dial plan to this one.
exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@test-outbound,,tToR)
exten => _X.,3,Hangup

Note that not all number will ring.
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Postby williamconley » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:58 pm

actually, i like tTorR 8) (google "asterisk dial command")

if it does not work, verify that you have Bristuff loaded for asterisk. (Google it if you want to know how, it's not hard)

you can also use the "loopback" dialplan (look for loopback in extensions.conf) to provide a ringtone, but beware as it adds another call to the system load.
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Postby jbs0023 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:20 pm

I tried tTorR and tToR and still no go...

Regarding Bristuff, if I am not using any BRI telephony interface cards, will this make any difference?

What really puzzles me, is that its been running fine for the past few months...only 4 days ago it stopped ringing....
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Postby williamconley » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:45 pm

nope, bristuff is a module for asterisk

did you "upgrade" or change carriers?
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Postby jbs0023 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:51 pm

Ok, i'll give the Bristuff a go...From what I can see it just fakes the ringing...not exactly optimal...

I havent upgraded nor changed carriers. And I know its not the carrier because I connected vicidial directly to my local asterisk and even when i dial internal extensions, there is no ringing...

It irritates me that it was working fine before...
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Postby williamconley » Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:02 pm

Well, something changed if what you are saying is true.

You may want to have a look through your cli history and be sure noone edited a .conf file and "oopsed" something.
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Postby jbs0023 » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:56 am

I have installed bristuff, changed the r to R in my dialplan, and still nothing...

i would like to give the loopback a try, but i have no idea how to go about this. any advice?

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Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:06 am

look in extensions.conf for the word loopback.
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Postby jbs0023 » Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:24 am

still confused...i see it there, but what do i need to change?
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Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:01 pm

First you have to use that dialplan in your campaign. then you have to set that dialplan to dial through your carrier.

In the end, there will be TWO calls generated, and asterisk will supply a ring to the first call while the second call will be just like the old one (so your agent will hear a ring on the "loop" call).

Code: Select all
; This is a loopback dialaround to allow for hearing of ringing for 3way calls
exten => _881NXXNXXXXXX,1,Answer
exten => _881NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(${TRUNKloop}/9${EXTEN:2},,To)
exten => _881NXXNXXXXXX,3,Hangup

To access this, your dial prefix would be "88". Then you would need to create a dialplan that allows the resulting call (91NXXNXXXXXX, no dial prefix) to go through your regular carrier.

If you look carefully at the dialplan above, you will see EXTEN:2 ... the :2 strips off the first two digits (88). You'll also see /9$ that 9 in there is a "literal" which is hard-coded in to add the 9 where it took out the 88.

So if you are presently using "_91NXXNXXXXXX" you're good, but if you are using "_81NXXNXXXXXX" you would create another one (same three lines with ONE change: 8 becomes 9): "_91NXXNXXXXXX" as an additional Dialplan Entry for the carrier you want to get these calls.

So the system will dial 8815555551212 ... then vicidial will dial ITSELF (and provide a ringtone backwards to the agent) and use itself as a carrier to dial 915555551212 ... which will go out through your same carrier. Two calls instead of one, and it generates the ringtone during the loop.
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby marcoe » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:55 am

Hi William, I'm having this same problem, tried everything you mentioned here but no success. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and didn't notice.

I have:
Vicidial VERSION: 2.4-357a BUILD: 120125-2107
Installation method: ViciBox Redux v.3.1.15 release

My system is setup like this:
1 Asterisk only machine that has all the providers connections, etc. (no vicidial)
1 Vicidial DB + Web
2 Vicidial Asterisk

The 2 Vicidial dialers are connected each by IAX trunks with the Asterisk server which is connected by sip trunk with the provider.

This is my original dialplan on Vicidial Servers:
exten => _XXXXZZ[2-9]XXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _XXXXZZ[2-9]XXXXXXX,2,Set(CALLERID(NUM)=${EXTEN:0:4})
exten => _XXXXZZ[2-9]XXXXXXX,3,Dial(IAX2/ast/${EXTEN:4},40,tToR)
exten => _XXXXZZ[2-9]XXXXXXX,4,Hangup

And this is my loopback:
exten => _1234ZZZXXXXXXX,1,Answer
exten => _1234ZZZXXXXXXX,n,Dial(${TRUNKloop}/0000${EXTEN:4},40,To)
exten => _1234ZZZXXXXXXX,n,hangup

I've set my campaign to dial 1234 as prefix, the call goes through the loopback as I can see it in my log.
Code: Select all
[Apr 29 10:37:21]     -- Executing [12341832266067@default:1] Answer("Local/8600065@default-5e5e,1", "") in new stack
[Apr 29 10:37:21]     -- Executing [12341832266067@default:2] Dial("Local/8600065@default-5e5e,1", "IAX2/ASTloop:kVKk9oQP92LsIz8@|40|To") in new stack
[Apr 29 10:37:21]     -- Called ASTloop:kVKk9oQP92LsIz8@
[Apr 29 10:37:21]     -- Executing [00001832266067@default:1] AGI("IAX2/ASTloop-4000", "agi://") in new stack
[Apr 29 10:37:21]     -- Executing [00001832266067@default:2] Set("IAX2/ASTloop-4000", "CALLERID(NUM)=0000") in new stack
[Apr 29 10:37:21]     -- Executing [00001832266067@default:3] Dial("IAX2/ASTloop-4000", "IAX2/ast/1832266067|40|tToR") in new stack
[Apr 29 10:37:21]     -- Called ast/1832266067

Any ideas ?

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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby mflorell » Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:33 pm

Try removing the "R" from your Dial options.
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby williamconley » Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:38 pm

bad form to say 'same problem', please actually describe your problem in detail (and since you've posted some ClI, describe exactly when you experience the problem in comparison to the CLI output you provided ...).
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby marcoe » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:55 am

Sorry, by "same problem" I meant that there is no ring tone in manual dial.

Matt, I tried to use "r", "R" and not to use at all, still same result, no ring tone.

Could this be a Asterisk version issue?
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby williamconley » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:18 pm

R is only valid if you have BriStuff installed. (Asterisk module)

If your carrier does not provide a ring-tone, your agent will not hear a ring tone.

If you "must" have ringtone, look at the loopback dialplan option which may be able to provide a ringtone (but doubles the load on the server by processing the call twice) or by passing the call through another server (which would be configured to provide a ringtone ...) before the carrier.

My Advice: Stop using manual dial. LOL Autodial only.

If you have only "occasional" manual dial for special circumstances, you could try an alternate carrier for those few calls. Obviously one that provides a ring tone.
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby marcoe » Thu May 02, 2013 1:29 pm

Love your advice Willam, I think that way too. Why install an AUTO Dialer if you are manual dialing. LOL
But unfortunately my client does not think that way.

I'll be making some trials on different systems and post here the result. If I get one.
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby TieFighter » Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:53 pm

I'm not expert, but I believe in creative minds! Workaround that actually work on this "issue". Config a fake ringtone wav file as a musiconhold class.

Create the moh class:
- add this on /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf


Create the fake ringtone file on /var/lib/asterisk/ringtone
name it ringtone.wav

Then, make your Dial command like this:

exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@test-outbound,,m(ringtone)tTo)
exten => _X.,3,Hangup

Be happy!!!
ViciBox v.7.0.1-160223 | VERSION: 2.12-561a BUILD: 160708-0745 | Asterisk 11.21.0 | Cluster: 8 E1s/80 Extensions DualCore@2.41GHz 8RAM (Asterisk 11) | 1 DB: QuadCore@2.40GHz 32RAM | 2 WEB: QuadCore@3.10GHz 8RAM | 8 Tel: QuadCore@3.10GHz 8RAM
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby lanerfy11 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:25 am

thank you TieFighter for the idea.. made me happy :D
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby omarrodriguezt » Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:03 pm

Thank you!!
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Re: No ringing when manual dial

Postby jikseyres16 » Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:35 am

I'm having this issue now, problem is when calling mobile number we can here it ringing but when calling a landline number no ring at all. tried to use the music on hold method but all we can hear the hold music not the fake ringtone we define. the class it always playing is default how do we fixed that?
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