ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

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ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

Postby carpenox » Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:15 pm

First error I received was it was apparently looking for php5 instead of php7....


then it tries to make changes to extensions.conf.....


and finally tries to move some files before they are downloaded


upon further investigation....mysql.log


i did not name the box @vicibox9
Last edited by carpenox on Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

Postby carpenox » Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:32 pm

and apaches error.log which seems to be trying to load a ssl certificate....

i think i found the error from the php7...from the first picture above since it was looking for php5


the include_path doesnt look right...and its both under apache2 and cli, isnt it suppose to be within '.:path1:path2' instead of quotes?
Alma Linux 9.3 | SVN Version: 3822 | DB Schema Version: 1711 | Asterisk 18.18.1 -:- 1-833-DIALER-1 -:- -:- WhatsApp: +19549477572 -:- Skype: live:carpenox_3 | Discord:
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Re: ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

Postby Kumba » Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:05 pm

First screenshot is trying to set the timezome in php.ini and copy over the index.html file for automatic redirection. The sed error was referencing php5 instead of php7 in the config path. The index.html file was copied over to the web directory by default so it's complaining that it's not in the conf directory to copy. Here's the corrected code snippet if you want to run it:
Code: Select all
. /etc/sysconfig/clock
/usr/bin/sed -i "s+date.timezone =.*+date.timezone = $TIMEZONE+" /etc/php7/apache2/php.ini
/usr/bin/sed -i "s+date.timezone =.*+date.timezone = $TIMEZONE+" /etc/php7/cli/php.ini

Second screenshot is trying to disable the meetme adjustment volume controls because it causes Asterisk to crash. Most agents don't use it but it only takes one to crash the server. Here's the corrected code:
Code: Select all
sed -i 's/exten => _X48600XXX/;exten => _X48600XXX/g' /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
sed -i 's/exten => _X38600XXX/;exten => _X48600XXX/g' /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf

Third screen shot is an issue with /usr/share/astguiclient/ in the vicidial codebase, not vicibox. It's just log noise and can be disregarded.

Fourth screen shot is more log noise again. It's just mysql saying it's got user permissions based on DNS that it can't lookup because DNS lookups are disabled in my.cnf. The vicibox9 is because that's the default name of the server when MySQL is installed. It can be safely ignored.

Fifth screenshot regarding apache is because you need an SSL certificate for apache to load the SSL VHost. If you don't have an SSL certificate there then apache won't start. The specific error is because the default SSL certificate is for which likely doesn't match your FQDN and it's also self-signed which means it has no certificate chain. Basically more log noise because it's easier to have SSL enabled in apache with a self-signed cert then it is to try and automate setting that up.

The last screen shot isn't really related to anything. You can safely revert whatever changes you might have made here.

I also updated the bugfix thread with those fixes. Thanks for posting :)
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Re: ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

Postby carpenox » Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:25 pm

no prob, thx for the applied fixes so far and i guess i could of submitted to the bugfix forum, forgot i had access to that too, but ty and the apache still doesnt seem to work right after install, i can not get to any webpage that i should be getting to, even trying localhost or on the box itsellf...
Alma Linux 9.3 | SVN Version: 3822 | DB Schema Version: 1711 | Asterisk 18.18.1 -:- 1-833-DIALER-1 -:- -:- WhatsApp: +19549477572 -:- Skype: live:carpenox_3 | Discord:
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Re: ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

Postby Kumba » Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:41 pm

I'm not sure how you are going to localhost on the box itself. It doesn't have a GUI on it, just CLI.
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Re: ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

Postby carpenox » Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:07 pm

curl....would still get me results if the page was there
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Re: ViciBox 9.0.2 Install Errors....

Postby carpenox » Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:41 am

the web interface is up now, ty
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