Auto movement of specific disposition to new list

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Auto movement of specific disposition to new list

Postby » Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:23 pm


We are using Vicibox 8

We are a NGO and we do manual calling to reach out our donors for donation. Post completing the call if donor gives the donation, agent disposes the call as Closed. (New disposition created in system status).
We reach out our existing donors every 3 months.

I wanted to know if there is any feature in ViciDial that will move this closed disposed lead to another existing list.

Exg. If any donor has donated in April 2018, and agent disposes the lead as Closed, automatically that lead should be moved to existing list Aug2018 and from original list, this lead should be deleted.
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Re: Auto movement of specific disposition to new list

Postby mflorell » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:47 pm

That's what the dispo_move_list.php script was written for, when used in the Dispo Call URL Campaign setting.

# This script is designed to be used in the "Dispo URL" field of a campaign
# or in-group (although it can also be used in the "No Agent Call URL" field).
# It should take in the lead_id to check for the same lead_id
# in order to change it's list_id to whatever new_list_id is set to. The
# sale_status field is a list of statuses separated by three dashes each '---'
# which contain the statuses for which the process should be run.
# This script is part of the API group and any modifications of data are
# logged to the vicidial_api_log table.
# This script limits the number of altered leads to 1 per instance and it will
# not run if the search field of the lead is empty.
# Example of what to put in the Dispo URL field:
# VARhttp:// ... _to_file=1
# Another example of what to put in the Dispo URL field(using status exclude with talk trigger):
# VARhttp:// ... _to_file=1
# Example of what to put in the No Agent Call URL field:
# (IMPORTANT: user needs to be NOAGENTURL and pass needs to be set to the call_id)
# VARhttp:// ... rigger=101
# Definable Fields: (other fields should be left as they are)
# - log_to_file - (0,1) if set to 1, will create a log file in the agc directory
# - sale_status - (SALE---XSALE) a triple-dash "---" delimited list of the statuses that are to be moved
# - exclude_status - (Y,N) if set to Y, will trigger for all statuses EXCEPT for those listed in sale_status, default is N
# - talk_time_trigger - (0,1,2,3,...) if set to number greater than 0, will only trigger for talk_time at or above set number, default is 0
# - called_count_trigger - (1,2,3,...) if set to number greater than 0, will only trigger for called_count at or above set number, default is 0
# - list_id_trigger - (101,...) if set to number greater than 99, will only trigger for list_id equal to the set number(NOTE: list_id must be sent), default is disabled
# - list_id - (101,...) if you want to use list_id_trigger then this must be set: "list_id=--A--list_id--B--", default is disabled
# - lead_age - (1,2,3,...) if set to number greater than 0, will only trigger for a lead entry_date this number of days old or older, default is 0
# - new_list_id - (999,etc...) the list_id that you want the matching status leads to be moved to
# - reset_dialed - (Y,N) if set to Y, will reset the called_since_last_reset flag on the lead
# - populate_sp_old_list - (Y,N) if set to Y, will populate the security_phrase field of the lead with the old list_id
# - populate_comm_old_date - (Y,N) if set to Y, will populate the comments field of the lead with the date and time when the lead was last called
# Multiple sets of statuses:
# - sale_status_1, new_list_id_1, reset_dialed_1, exclude_status_1, called_count_trigger_1 - adding an underscore and number(1-99) will allow for another set of statuses to check for and what to do with them
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