Log all agents out of this user group

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Log all agents out of this user group

Postby RBecker » Fri May 26, 2023 4:01 pm

Would it be possible to get a feature to force log out all agents in a particular User Group, similar to what we have for Campaigns? We have a center that uses our system which has fairly frequent internet outages, so being able to sign their entire user group out at once instead of having to go one by one through the Real-Time report would be helpful.
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Re: Log all agents out of this user group

Postby martinch » Sat May 27, 2023 4:42 am

Hey RBecker,

Sounds like a quite useful feature which would make perfect sense in downtime scenarios. :) I've taken this one on and I've provided the feature patch on Mantis for the ViCiDial team to review and hopefully publish. You can track it's progress here -> https://www.vicidial.org/VICIDIALmantis/view.php?id=1475

The main logic is based around the existing log out all agents from a campaign however I have tweaked the code to work for both campaigns and user group scenarios. Here is an overview of the logic now;

  • You can log out all agents out of a campaign as we've always been able to do. That remains unchanged. ✅
  • You now have a new option on the User Groups page "LOG ALL AGENTS OUT OF THIS USER GROUP". ✅
  • There is a new confirmation page to confirm the action. ✅
  • Agents that are part of that user group will be logged out immediately. ✅
  • NB: If agent A and agent B are in two distinct user groups but logged into the same campaign, only the selected user group will be forced out. For example, you're logging out the user group that agent A is a part of, only agent A will be logged out leaving agent B staying logged in. ✅

Here are some screenshots although not much to show really;


Code: Select all
Log Out All From User Group.
Ticket Type: Add Feature.
Reporter: RBecker.
Impacted Users: RBecker / Other ViCiDial Administrators.
Priority: Low.
Product(s) Affected: ViCiDial.
Deadline: No firm deadline in place.
Time / Effort Estimate: 1 hour of development / 1 hour of testing.

RBecker has posted a feature request on the ViCi board -> http://vicidial.org/VICIDIALforum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=41757

Would it be possible to get a feature to force log out all agents in a particular User Group, similar to what we have for Campaigns? We have a center that uses our system which has fairly frequent internet outages, so being able to sign their entire user group out at once instead of having to go one by one through the Real-Time report would be helpful.


- Add a hyperlink to the User Groups to log out all agents that are currently part of the user group.
- Add the functionality to perform the logouts.
- Add logging for accountability purposes.

If you have any queries, please reach out to me.

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