Any Campaign Callbacks

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Any Campaign Callbacks

Postby martinch » Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:33 am

Good morning Matt & team,

We recently introduced multi campaign dialling into ViCiDial which is amazing and expands ViCi's functionality immensely.

However, one thing I was wondering, could we implement a feature that could set callbacks for other campaigns other than the one the agent is dialling on?

A scenario might be;

- Agents are dialling on SHARED_RATIO (consisting of CAMP_ENG (English speakers), CAMP_FRE (French speakers) and CAMP_SPA (Spanish Speakers))
- An agent on the Spanish campaign receives a call from an English speaker. They request a callback.
- The agent decides to set an ANYONE calback for the agents on the English campaign (CAMP_ENG).

Would this be in scope for development. I have developed a similar feature on my instance of ViCi and it works well. A few things to consider;

- Option in Campaign Settings to toggle (Y or N - on or off)
- Option to select which campaign can be selected on the interface (You can use select multiple similar to how system settings uses it to select reports.
- On the callback form, selectively (based on toggle) draw the combo box to select which campaign the callback will be logged against in `vicidial_callbacks`.
- That's pretty much all you need. It will only be for ANYONE callbacks. So when toggling USER ONLY and ANYONE, you can choose to hide the combo box or you can disregard the selection based on whatever is selected.

Thanks team for all the efforts and viva ViCi. :)

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Re: Any Campaign Callbacks

Postby mflorell » Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:51 am

I'm sure something like that could be added, we've just never had it requested before. If you already have code for this, would you consider contributing it to the project?
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Re: Any Campaign Callbacks

Postby martinch » Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:53 am

Hey Matt. Yeah sure. Would you like this on Mantis or would you prefer if I dumped the files on here?
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Re: Any Campaign Callbacks

Postby mflorell » Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:42 pm

We prefer all contributed code go through the "Issue Tracker"(Mantis). Thanks!
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Re: Any Campaign Callbacks

Postby martinch » Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:38 am

Thanks Matt. Ticket created with ID 0001357 on Mantis. :)

@all if Matt publishes this fix, it'll allow your agents to see callbacks for other campaigns than their own. Some use cases for this might be;

- You have two different campaigns serving two different languages. For argument's sake, say English customers on Campaign A and Spanish customers on Campaign B. An agent on Campaign B receives a call from a customer speaking English but has limited English skills but is able to negotiate a callback and puts it in Campaign A for the English speakers.

- You have two campaigns serving the same client. Campaign A is providing support and Campaign B is performing sales. A customer calls in on Campaign B to buy something but also needs support with an existing product they've bought. They can't stick around for the transfer so the agent sets the callback for the guys in Campaign A to pick up the callback.

- You've got two groups working on two different shifts. You have Campaign A working to cover the very early morning shift (6AM-2PM) and then the late guys covering 2PM until 10PM). The morning guys are setting callbacks for customers for groggy customers for later on in the day when they are less groggy and they know they won't be around.

So those cover a few usecases. I have something which I've donated but hopefully Matt and team can polish / improve it for release in ViCi as there is some work needed to set the callback for the other campaign (assuming it has got the customer's number in an active list) and if not, needs to be able to INSERT a new customer record for the destination campaign.

Hope this helps,
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