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Postby schernit » Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:35 pm

I just want to tell you some changes we have developed. Perhaps you want me to send you these modifications:

1 - We create an specific report called agent performance. On this report you can see, pause times with the division of each pause time. For instance: bath time, break time, capacitation, etc etc. The agent can select a pause when logged.

2 - Reschedule of Busy, A and N: We create a table where we decide when calling again a lead upsons its priors calls. For instance, if you call a lead that was A and It was 10 AM the systems reschedule that lead to be called at 8 PM because you have better possibilities to find someone at that time. This logic tries to call a lead on different times (AM, PM, Saturday). If a Lead is called many times system change the status to 'END'. Obviously you can call 'END' status selecting it from campagin screen. We also change hopper pl script to do this.

3 - Group Callback is recorder now on same table created on the previous point. We also created another status called 'GCALL'. This way you can count how many CBHOLD/CALLBACK pending you have and how many GCALL you have. Why ? Because we assume that a CBHOLD is a lead that you have better choices (someone interested) to sell something opposite to GCALL where you just know where to find someone on the phone.

4 - List mix: We create a functionality where you can select the percentage of weight of each enabled list for a campaign. For instance if you have 2 list for a campaign you can put: 80% for list 1 and 20% for list2. When hopper pl script executes it inserts recored on the hopper table but trying to respect how many records to insert for each campaign. On these case, If you have hopper level value with 100 then it will insert 80 leads for list1 and only 20 leads for list2.

5 - Pause status when on VDAD real time: only for manual dialing.

6 - admin_modify_lead.php: We change this php program to create a link for each recording. These way you only have to click on the link to listen for a recording.

7 - cambio_estado_main.php. We create a new php program where you can select a list, and a new status. Then the program ask you to select a .txt file (with leads separeted by commas). The programs takes all leads on the file and change the status to the new one. Sometimes you have to do this because you want to eliminate some leads and this way you can change the status instead of eliminating the lead.

8 - NI classification: when disposition, if the disposition is NI (or NI category specifically) it asks you to select a NI classification. We have a NI classification for campaign.

If you are interested on this modifications please let me know. We also are interested on inbound calls for manual operation. We tested predictive and inbound but most of the time we work with manual dialing. Do you think is there any possibility to do this ?


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Postby mflorell » Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:04 pm

What version of VICIDIAL are you using?

Several of these features are alreay in the SVN trunk codebase that will soon be released as 2.0.5.

We always like to have code contributions. If possible please post them to the issue tracker and link to them from this thread.
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